Courtney Misses Frances Bean

On Monday Dec. 14, 2009, Courtney Love was upset that her daughter, Frances Bean, wanted to move in with Kurt Cobain’s mother. So, she posted this on Facebook:

“who knows what claims theyll make butthe fact is fbc is deluded she thinks she has all this money the point is i have all the money she has… a small amount of in utero, thats it, she doesnt get 37% of all the estate only 37% of in utero, name and likeness were decided by them against cos the less they could give her the mopre they could steal theyre so greedy theyd steal not even 15 million from a child, its riduclous using god knows what, i dont care really i hate to spund cold but any kid of mine who pulls this shit has lost her position and friends in nyc they will pretend to like her, but ill go teach at bard before she gets in,she was deceptive she lied and shes lying to herself, she sits on her facebook adding yet more books and films and frankly the whole thing disgusts my daihgter is not always honest and ive alliwed her to visit with these assholes i support to the tune of houses horses and monthly annuities and cars, well the good news is now that frances is clearly deluded that she can buy her grandmaother a “small house in la” id love to see how that works.theyll incubate her til shes 18 and then have her sign all the indnemofications, theres a catch, she already had counsel long before the 11th. LONG before the 11th.

“dont worry frances is a wonderful kid shes gotbadd people around her and wants it both ways, her aunt brieanne who isnt kurts sister is a black hole, look ask charlie cross or don cobain whart a disaster the drunk as fuck nasty assed brieanne is,ask kelly osbourne, well im going out with ms palmer and ms kirke and frances have fun on your covers of the tabs, thats what your wonder bread side likes, you couldve asked for emanicaption youc ouldve gone to simons rock, but you have to get involved with that terrifying not to me, to you witch who keeps britney spars in jail? thats insane. you realie this will put you in juvenoile fami;y circus three times in your little life? this is what along with his mother killed your father, i think im selling a house today, not in the mood to supportthese assholes anymore. i have shit to do, i love you and always will unconditionally.”


Now, here is what she said translated from Drunk to English:

Golly. I don’t know what people will say about my split with my daughter. The truth is that Frances is not going to be as rich next year as people think she will be. She and I both got the same share of my husband’s estate – which breaks down as 37 percent of the gross profits of the In Utero album. The $15 million in profits from the use of my ex husband’s name and image all go to the record company – because they are so greedy they would take cash out of the hands of a fatherless child. I’ve always thought this was wrong but so much time has passed now that I don’t care.

What I do care about is the attitude my teenage daughter is giving me at the moment. Sheesh! Kids these days! I love her but am going to have to give her some distance. What’s sad is the people she thinks are her friends in New York really just like her because she’s rich and her dad is famous. I’m so annoyed at her right now that I’m considering applying for a professorship at the college she wants to go to! That would teach her a lesson!

What really annoys me is that she’s not living up to her potential. She tells herself she’s doing stuff to build a life for herself but, really, she wastes all her time on Facebook.

I’m also annoyed because she’s gotten into that teenage phase where she sometimes lies to me – her own mother. Also, my in-laws are a nightmare. Golly gee whillakers – why did I ever let her visit them so much! The son they raised turned out to be a suicidal junkie! I’m really worried they’ll try to trick her into buying them a house and signing a lot of her money over to them. The good news is that well before this incident happened the lawyers locked up all the money in a trust so they can’t steal from her. Thank god for that!

Please don’t take all this the wrong way. I love my daughter and think she’s a great kid. I’m just worried she’s surrounded by people around her who are a bad influence. My late husband’s sister has alcohol abuse issues – that are so bad that even Kelly Osbourne was worried about her.

Ok. Time for me to take a deep breath, step away from this situation and visit some friends for girl talk. It worries me that my daughter is going to be all over the tabloids over this and I hope she’s strong enough to handle it. I just wish my daughter had considered her options. She could have enrolled at Simon’s Rock of Bard College. She could have asked for legal emancipation. Heck, she is only a couple months away from legal adulthood and I trust her so I would not have fought that. It just tears me up inside to see her going to people I think are going to take advantage of her. She is going to be hanging out with the type of celebrity family blood suckers that led to all the problems with Britney Spears last year. And, doesn’t she realize that these are the same people who raised her father in such a self destructive atmosphere that he had severe mental health issues that led to his addictions and eventual suicide? What is she thinking?

Drat! I have to deal with the real estate agent today. Frances Bean, you are my daughter and I hope you know I love you unconditionally – I’m just very, very worried about you and the choices you are making.



5 Responses to “Courtney Misses Frances Bean”

  1. Courtney should hire you!

  2. Seriously, you should send her a link to this site. It will do her good to get a different perspective.

    • drunkexpatwriter Says:

      If I knew how to contact her I would!

      I can’t even get approved to see her twitter. As it is I have to wait until other people post her tweets and work from that!

      • Leave comments and a link to this blog on her facebook and myspace and email her agent and manager.

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